Securing the Right School for Your Child
School Select was formed in 2003 by a former Headteacher to support families with school admissions and appeals procedures. Since then we have helped thousands of families find and secure the right school for their child.
It's what we do. It's all we do. And that is what makes us different.
“Hi Graham, we won! Your expertise and friendly support made the difference between Annie getting a place at the exellent Belvedere Academy and the failing school offered by the Local Authority. We'll be forever grateful, it's the best £1500 we've ever spent!"
Angela McIlroy
(Belvedere Academy Liverpool)
“Thank you for your help with Benjamin's appeal; I cannot believe that we won a place at Ranelagh School. When we received the decsion in March this outcome seemed a long way away. We could never have done it without you!”
Peter Woolton
(Ranelagh School, Bracknell)
“When we returned to the UK we had no idea how difficult it would be to get the children into good schools. What a minefield! Your expertise has seen both Gemma and Peter placed in two excellent schools. Thank you"
William Carter
(International Relocatee)
Our office takes calls between the hours of 8.30am and 6pm, outside of these hours there is a message taking facility. Alternatively you can call the out of hours mobile number or send us an e mail.
At particularly busy periods of the year - for example around schools appeals in March to June - we have extended opening hours and of course we can accommodate different time zones to assist relocatees around the world.
Tel: 01978 840181